
Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Who can register?
A.  The FHV Volleyball program is open to GIRLS and BOYS in grades 5 through 8.  Both Fairfax residents and non-residents are welcome to join ($30 surcharge for non-residents).

Q. When is the season and how long does it last?

A. The Spring volleyball season runs from mid-March to early June and the fall volleyball season runs from early/mid September to early/mid November.  Teams will practice 1 time per week for 90 minutes and games will be played in a 1 hour time block on Sunday afternoons.  The practice day and times are determined by your coach and gym availability. Generally elementary teams will have practice from 6:00-7:30 PM and middle school teams will practice from 7:30 to 9:00PM.  A schedule of games will be distributed once the teams are formed and referees are scheduled. Please note that gym space is determined by Fairfax County.

Q. On which day of the week do teams practice and play matches?
A. FHYAA Volleyball has access to gyms in the Fairfax-area from Monday through Friday between 6pm and 9pm.  Each team will have its own individual team weekly practice (1.5 hours).  League matches for House programs run for 1 hour (3 sets) on  Sundays between 12 and 6pm at schools in the Fort Hunt area, usually Carl Sandburg Middle School.

Q. What does it cost?

A. The cost is $105 per player.  The Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services (NCS) provides registration fee scholarships and equipment vouchers to help eligible youth participate in sports programs in Fairfax County. Please follow the link below to apply: http://www.fairfaxcounty.gov/ncs/forms/ysspformr.pdf We Never want our youth to held back by the cost so please reach out if there are any questions about payment.

Q. Do I need to volunteer?

A. Fort Hunt Volleyball is run by volunteers. We are in great need of coaches and assistant coaches.  Your help can ensure this program continues!

Q. What happens with those on the waitlist?
A.  The hope is to pull everyone off the waitlist – anyone interested in playing volleyball should have the opportunity to play in our program. Unfortunately, the program is constrained by the number of volunteer coaches and gym space. The more coaches, the more teams and therefore the more players we can support. To this point, anyone on the waitlist with a parent who volunteers to coach will be switched from the waitlist to the active registration list immediately.  Coaches have the ability to influence practice times and locations.  Please email the  Volleyball Commissioner with any questions about volunteering as a coach.

Q. Is prior volleyball experience required?
A.  For House leagues, no prior experience is needed to play. FHV is open to youth athletes regardless of playing experience and skill level.  Every registered player is placed on a team once we have enough coaches and gym space.

Q. What are the differences between clinics and league matches?
A. Clinics focus on developing foundational volleyball skills such as passing, setting, hitting and serving through expert instruction, drills and play simulation.  League matches allow the application of volleyball skills in an actual game setting following youth volleyball rules.

Q. Is there an equal playing time policy for the House leagues?
A.  Yes. As an instructional recreation program, we promote equal time on the court.  During House matches, teams utilize “Continuous Substitution” which uses the players on the bench and the players on the court as one continuous line-up.  With each new service rotation, a player in a specific position leaves the court and the next available player on the bench enters the game into that position.  The exception to this is the FHV Travel team.  This team is position specific and there will be equal play times in the practices however the games do NOT have an equal play time policy.

Q. Can participants identify teammate and practice preferences?
A.  Yes.  During the registration process, participants can make special requests such as friends or coaches.  Fort Hunt Volleyball will accommodate these special requests as best as possible.

Q.  Can club volleyball athletes play on FHV teams?

A.  Yes, club players can play on FHV teams however we will attempt to limit the number of club players on each team.

Q. What is the relationship between Fort Hunt Volleyball and FHYAA?
A. Fort Hunt Youth Volleyball is the volleyball affiliate of the Fort Hunt Youth Athletic Association (FHYAA).  FHYAA also sponsors youth basketball, lacrosse, rugby, football, softball and cheerleading.

Q. Do participants need to live in Fairfax County?
A. No. FHYAA attracts athletes from locations around the region.  Note that non-County participants must pay a $30 surcharge which is the same amount Fairfax County Recreation charges FHYAA for each non-resident who uses Fairfax County Public School facilities.

Q. What gear do participants need?
A. Knee pads are the only specialized equipment required for participation – these may be purchased at local sporting goods stores or online. T-shirt uniforms are provided to all players at no additional cost.  If there is any trouble purchasing knee pads for the player, please reach out to the coach or commissioner.

Q. What do you recommend if we want to purchase a volleyball?
A. Our program uses Tachikara SV-MNC Volley-Lite Volleyballs for the Elementary School League and Tachikara SV-5WSC Sensi-Tec Volleyballs for the Middle School League.

Q. Does Fort Hunt Volleyball have a Travel Team?

A. Yes/Occasionally.  FHV participates in the Northern Virginia Travel League (DLNVTL).  The NVTL is made up of teams from local recreation clubs in Fairfax county.  A coach with more advanced volleyball training is needed.  Please contact the commissioner if you are interested in additional information about the NVTL and or are considering coaching this more advanced team.  The FHV travel team has a different practice, game and fee schedule and typically is in play Sept-November.  There are tryouts for this team and players should go in knowing there is not equal play time in games.  Not equal play time means a player may attend the games but have limited time on the court during those games.   Practice time is equal.