
Parent Information


Players only need to attend 1 assessment session for their grade level


Girls 1st/2nd Grade :TBD

Girls 3rd/4th Grade: TBD

Girls 5th/6th Grade: TBD

Girls 7th/8th Grade: TBD

Girls HS: TBD


Boys 1st Grade: TBD

Boys 2nd Grade: TBD

Boys 3rd Grade: TBD

Boys 4th Grade: TBD

Boys 5th Grade: TBD

Boys 6th Grade: TBD

Boys 7th Grade: TBD

Boys 8th Grade: TBD

Boys 9th/10th Grade: TBD

Boys 11th/12th Grade: TBD



The league managers for the 2024-2025 season are TBD
Girls Basketball Commissioner:  Anne Harris
Girls Individual Grade Managers:
Girls Grades 1/2 :  
Girls Grades 3/4 : 
Girls Grades 5/6 :

Girls Grades 7/8 :

Girls High School : TBD 
Boys Basketball Commissioner:  Jack Harris
Boys Indivdual Grade Managers :
Boys Grade 1 :  
Boys Grade 2: 
Boys Grade 3: 
Boys Grade 4:   
Boys Grade 5:
Boys Grade 6: 
Boys Grade 7:  
Boys Grade 8: 
Boys Grades 9 & 10: 
Boys Grades 11 & 12: Pat Rhoads :

Fort Hunt Basketball COVID Procedures

As of March 1, 2022, Fairfax County Neighborhood and Community Services has lifted the mask requirement for individuals entering a FCPS gym for games or practices.



AS of 1/26/22 the Fairfax County Health Department has updated the reporting guidelines for positive cases.

The Virginia Department of Health has updated the case and contact investigation COVID-19 approach in Virginia to include an emphasis on outbreak detection and mitigation while shifting away from universal case and contact investigation. Given this change, the Fairfax County Health Department (FCHD) is no longer recommending that individual/sporadic cases of COVID-19 are reported to the Health Department from sports leagues and coaches. FCHD is still recommending that cases of COVID-19 follow appropriate isolation guidance and stay at home and away from others while infectious. FCHD guidance on isolation can be found here (recommend sharing with reported cases):

Outbreak Reporting-The Code of VA (§ 32.1-37) still requires the reporting of outbreaks of COVID-19 (and all other infectious disease) from sports leagues. FCHD defines a suspect outbreak of COVID-19 as 3 or more cases of COVID-19 identified within 7 days of each other. Sports leagues should immediately report suspect outbreaks to FCHD when they become aware of them by calling 703-246-2433. FCHD communicable disease staff will work with you to determine outbreak status and identify possible mitigation strategies to limit the spread of disease.

FHYAA is still requesting that any positive cases be reported by the parents to their coaches and then to their Grade commissioners ASAP. Grade Commissioners will then forward the requested information to head commissioners Jack Harris & Anne Harris.


New COVID Exposure and COVID Positive Guidance

The CDC has issued new guidance for exposure to COVID and positive COVID tests that affect FHYAA.

Positive COVID Test - Isolation Guidance (New – January 7, 2022)

If you test positive for COVID-19, everyone, regardless of vaccination status, must:

  •     Day 1 to 5: Stay home and away from others.
  •     Day 6 to 10: If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving, you can leave your house. Continue to wear a well-fitting mask to reduce any risk of infecting others. You may return to play, but must wear a mask at all times, even while playing.

COVID Exposure - Quarantine Guidance (New– January 7, 2022)

  •     If you were exposed to COVID-19, your participation in FHYAA is based on your vaccine status.
  •     If you are fully vaccinated – you may participate but must always wear a mask – even while playing – for 10 days.

o Day 1 to 10: Wear a mask around others. Test on day 5, if possible. If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home. If you test positive for COVID-19 during this 10-day period, follow the Isolation Guidance above.

  •     If you are not vaccinated – you may not participate in FHYAA games or practices for 5 days. If you are symptom free on Day 6, you may return to play but must always wear a mask – even while playing – until 10 days has passed since exposure.

o Day 1 to 5: Stay home and away from others. Test on day 5 if possible. If you test positive for COVID-19, follow the isolation guidance above.

o Day 6 to 10: Continue to wear a mask around others. If you develop symptoms get a test and stay home. If you test positive for COVID-19, follow the isolation guidance above.

Fairfax County Health Department Guidance here.

  •     Grade Commissioners will alert the head coach of the other team that was in the gym.

o   Both Coaches involved will need to alert their respective teams that there was a COVID+ Case.

o   Coaches- When sending communication of +COVID result to your team, please refrain from using player names. Please only communicate date of practice or game the potential exposure happened.

  •     Coaches will need to let Commissioners know when they have been contacted by FCHD.


If a player has been told they should not come to school due to a potential exposure at school or outside basketball, they should refrain from coming to practices or games.

Players will not be able to return to practices or games until they are cleared to return to school.

 If a player has been exposed to COVID at a basketball practice or game, please follow your school’s policy on determining if your player can attend school.



For more information:

FHYAA is committed to supporting and promoting concussion safety throughout all of our programs for the safety of each participant. We have implemented a comprehensive concussion awareness program as well as policy and safety protocols. These programs are aimed at reaching each involved party including parents, athletes and coaches. Our league-wide approach includes:

  • Concussion Awareness and Response training for Coaches.
  • Parent Meetings and Communication about Concussion Safety and Awareness.
  • On-Field Concussion assessment tools are in effect.
  • Concussion Awareness communication to Athletes.
  • Strongly encourage Concussion Baseline Testing at onset of each sports season.
  • Accessibility of training to all parents and athletes though CDC Heads Up: Concussion Awareness.
  • Protocols for removal from games and practices, which include clearance from a physician before return.


All Parents and Athletes should become aware with the CDC Heads Up Concussion Awareness Program.

Basketball Spectators’ Code of Conduct

To ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, skill development, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and spectators are the primary considerations governing competition, the following Code of Conduct has been established. 

Each SPECTATOR will ensure that his/her conduct sets the example for team members and spectators. To satisfactorily meet these responsibilities, the SPECTATOR is expected to:

  1. Respect the rules of the game.
  2. Respect the referees and refrain from questioning their decisions in a disrespectful or abusive manner. 
  3. Cheer for their team in a positive supportive manner, always refraining from making hostile, negative, or abusive remarks about the opposing team.
  4. Refrain always from coming onto the court, or from throwing objects or other foreign materials on to the court.
  5. Follow all building rules and regulations, always respecting the property of others. 
  6. Demonstrate appropriate gestures of sportsmanship at the conclusion of a game, win or lose.
  7. Realize, accept, and practice by the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its individual playing ability but also on the sportsmanship courtesy and manner of its fans.

Spectators who fail to comply with the above code of conduct may be asked to leave the gym and may be barred from attending any future basketball games. If a spectator is banned from attending any games in any FHYAA sport the ban may extend to attendance for other FHYAA Sports. 

Fort Hunt Basketball

Basketball Players’ Code of Conduct

To ensure that the principles of sportsmanship, fair play, skill development, and mutual respect among players, coaches, officials, and spectators are the primary considerations governing competition, the following Code of Conduct has been established. 

Each PLAYER will ensure that his/her conduct is consistent with the primary considerations of competition. To satisfactorily meet these responsibilities, the PLAYER is expected to:

  1. Know the rules and abide by them.
  2. Respect the coaches and referees and refrain from commenting on their decisions during the play of the game. The head coach or his/her designee may address the referee during the game but only withing the provisions of the rules and in a courteous, respectful manner. 
  3. Maintain control of his/her emotions, avoiding the use of profanity, humiliating remarks, and/or gestures of ill temper, and physical assault upon another player at any time. 
  4. Respect the coaches and players of the opposing team both during the play of the game and at is conclusion, win or lose. Be humble and generous in victory and proud and courteous in defeat. 
  5. Follow all gym rules and regulations, always respecting the property of others. 
  6. Realize, accept, and practice by the principle that a team’s reputation is built not only on its individual playing ability but also on the sportsmanship courtesy and manner of each individual player.

Players who fail to comply with the above code of conduct are subject to suspension and/or removal from their team.  


Once you have properly finished the online registration form, the following additional steps are needed before your child’s registration is considered complete.  Until all these steps are done, your child’s registration is considered incomplete and they will not be assigned to a team and are not allowed on a field or court for either practice or games.

  •     Download and properly complete and sign the Fairfax County Youth Sports Scholarship program application. Found Here:
  •     Provide proof that your child is currently receiving assistance by 1) attaching a copy of your official document that signifies your child is receiving aid or 2) obtaining the signature of school counselor or staff, case worker, or other official on appropriate line of Scholarship application form.
  •     Give signed application form and proof of aid to your sports commissioner and/or registrar.

Once you have completed the online registration AND provided appropriate paperwork to the sports commissioner/registrar, your child’s registration is complete.

FHYAA wants to ensure that every child has an opportunity to participate in youth sports regardless of his or her financial situation. The Fairfax County Department of Community and Recreational Services (DCRS) provides registration fee scholarships.  To be eligible for a county scholarship, a child must be currently enrolled in a public assistance program such as Free or Reduced Lunch, General Relief, Food Stamps, ADC, Foster Care, Medicaid, or SSI.  In addition the child must live in Fairfax County, be enrolled in K - 12, commit to attend 80% of practices and games, and not be currently served by an existing scholarship or fee waiver program.  If you are not eligible for the above Fairfax County assistance program and require financial assistance, please contact your sports specific commissioner and/or registrar.