Parents/Spectators/Supporters Code of Conduct
Fort Hunt Rugby Parent/Spectator/Supporter Code of Conduct
…because you represent our team and are all role models, too
This statement is a mandatory step in club registration.
Fort Hunt Rugby Parent/Spectator/Supporter Code of Conduct
The overall purpose of Fort Hunt Rugby is fun—almost exclusively for the players—but also for parents, spectators, coaches, referees and anyone else who takes part in our activities.
Some parents/spectators/supporters are unaware that their conduct, verbal or non-verbal, whether intentional or not, can convey a negative attitude and does not serve well as an example of positive, sportsmanlike behavior. This reflects negatively on the individual, and ultimately on Fort Hunt Rugby. This also can have a lasting effect on youth sports players, in their play, and in their lives as maturing young adults.
As a Fort Hunt Rugby parent/spectator/supporter, I promise:
— My conduct at training and at matches will reflect good judgment, positive sportsmanship, good citizenship, respect for coaches and officials, and will serve as an example to other parents/spectators/supporters and to all players.
— I will demonstrate respect, maturity, judgment and proper sportsmanship before, during, and after matches.
— I will show respect to all coaches and officials before, during, and after matches.
— I will not question or criticize officials’ decisions.
— I will not make detrimental comments about referees, coaches or players, of any team. I will not ridicule, taunt, or criticize any player or coach of either team at any time.
— I will follow all facility rules and regulations and will show respect for property and equipment.
— I will not use abusive or profane language and will not use obscene gestures.
— I will learn and show respect for the Laws of the Game.
— For all conflict resolution I will behave in a mature and adult manner with all coaches, referees, other officials, and other parents/spectators and will follow established procedures.
— I will let coaches organize, lead, and coach.
— I will show support for and respect the authority of coaches and officials during all matches.
— I will support my child and all players unconditionally by acknowledging effort, complimenting positive and creative play and sportsmanship, by supporting my player and the club, and by following instruction from coaches and referees.
— I will speak directly with the Fort Hunt Rugby Head Coach or Commissioner at an appropriate time and place if my player is having any difficulties in training or matches.
— I will comply with Fort Hunt Sports conflict/complaint resolution procedures when making an official complaint.
— I will not use illegal drugs, tobacco, or alcohol at Fort Hunt Rugby events and understand that use of these will result in being asked to leave the event.
— I will conduct myself in a manner which will bring respect and admiration to my team and to my club.