Our History

From 76 players in 2009, we moved up to 93 registered players for Summer 2010. Lots of seasoned rugby players returning, and a lot of new faces, in all of the age groups. We fielded six full teams this year, at 9-and-under coed touch, 11-and-under coed touch, boys 13-U/15-U/17-U tackle, and girls tackle. All six teams played their entire schedules, making all scheduled matches with sufficient numbers to play. We undertook the first-ever club tour, a boys 16-and-under tour to Ottawa, Canada. We played five matches in 3 days, going 2-3-0 against some very serious competition, including a touring British team, and learning a lot in a very short period. We lost only to 3 all-star sides, beating both club sides we played.
We fielded all six of our teams in the end-of-season tournament, and played all scheduled matches with all of our own players, borrowing only a few to round out our sides.
Congratulations to the season MVPs and runners-up:
9-and-Under Coed Touch:
MVP: Clare O’R
Runner-Up: Jack G
11-and-Under Coed Touch:
MVP: Andrei G
Runner-Up: Patrick K
13-and-Under Boys Tackle
MVP: Andrew B
Runner-Up: Will C
15-and-Under Boys Tackle
MVP: Chris B
Runner-Up: Matt P
17-and-Under Boys Tackle
MVP: Jacob W
Runner-Up: Colin G
Girls Tackle
MVP: Efua A-O
Runner-Up: Kylee E
We had a few more intense injuries this year, what with all of the tackle we were playing. We had a few stitches, a broken wrist, and a broken foot. Again, nothing major.
We began 2011 with our first-ever high school teams. We fielded both boys and girls teams, and played all of our scheduled matches. Both teams finished with winning records, and both teams went to the state championship semi-finals. Our heightened effort did result, however, in a few more serious injuries, with a couple of broken ankles, some knee injuries, and a clavicle injury. Our summer program registered almost 70 kids, down about 20 from 2010, owing most likely to high school age players having played their spring season and then taking the summer off. We formed teams at U9 and U11 touch, boys U13 and U15 tackle, and a girls tackle team. Unfortunately, the girls tackle team ended up with no opponents, making us the de factor summer champions! Both touch teams and the two tackle teams played in the end of season tournament, with the U11 touch team winning hardware for the Plate championship.
Congratulations to our Best Team Players and Runners-Up:
U-9 Coed Touch
Best Team Player: Mike D
Runner-Up: Kelly R
Rookie of the Year: Jake R
Honorable Mention: Ethan
U-11 Coed Touch
Best Team Player: Clare O’R
Runner-Up: Billy L
Rookie of the Year: Patrick D
Honorable Mentions: Mike S, Parker P, James H
Club high scorer: Andrei G (164 points)
U-13 Boys Tackle
Best Team Player: Alex L
Runners-Up: Erik R, Duncan B
Best Tackler in the Entire U-13 League: Andrew B
U-15 Boys Tackle
Best Team Player: Court H
Runner-Up: Oscar G
Rookie of the Year: Jonathan M
Girls Tackle
Our Returning Players from Summer 2010: Autumn B, Jadah C, Sorenda B and Kylee E
We made huge strides in coaching certifications, with the majority of our coaches now certified at USA Rugby Level 1, and one coach certified at Level 2. We also had four of our boys high school players volunteer as player-mentor coaches during the summer season. We acquired a lot of new gear, including tackling dummies and rucking pads, and a brand-new, English-made scrum sled, funded by FHYAA (thank you!). The sled proved exceptionally useful in training our high school teams, with some other teams actually coming to our practice sessions so they could use our scrum sled as well.
We started our high school program in 2012, and did surprisingly well. The boys managed to win the state championship in their very first year, and the girls came in 2nd place.
Both the boys and girls HS teams made the playoffs but did not advance. The boys team undertook its first ever international tour, traveling to Madrid and Zaragosa, Spain, then to Toulouse, France, posting a 1-2 record.
Boys state champions once again, turning in an undefeated season. The girls finished for the second year in a row as the state championship runner-up.
The HS boys toured once again, traveling to Belgium, where we went 5-2-1, doing exceptionally well in a major European youth tournament in Ghent, the only American team in the tournament. The boys went to the first Leicester Tigers clinic at the university of Mary Washington, and the girls returned to the Penn State clinic in January 2015. The boys came in #2 in the state, losing in an absolute heartbreaker to West End in the final seconds of an excellent match.
The boys won the state champsionship once again, defeating Prince William. The boys finished the spring season ranked #4 in the country as a club/multi-school team, our best ever ranking. They were invited to the invitation-only national championship tournament, but declined to participate.
The boys HS team plans to tour again in March 2017, destination currently undecided.
The Warriors went to their first-even national championship tournament, losing in the last minute of the final to Royal Irish, finishing at the #2 club team in the country.
The Warriors returned to the national championship tournament, again in Kansas City, and finished as the #3 club team in the country.
The Warriors were invited to the national championship tournament, which later was canceled due to covid. The pandemic canceled all trainin and play after early March.
The Warriors were invited to the national championship tournament in Kansas City. They finished #8 in the championship bracket.