Weather Consderations
Weather is highly variable, and we work within its extremes. We will train and play hard, we will end up on the ground, we will get wet and muddy.
Players need to dress for the weather, meaning thinking ahead for caps, gloves, long-sleeved workout gear, and workout pants. Players MUST bring a change of dry warm clothing to practices and matches, and something to keep it dry in. That means a sturdy bag, sweatpants, sweatshirt/jacket, a change of t-shirt and socks. This is a player responsibility.
Virginia springs and summers can be brutal, with heat and humidity, and with severe weather arising quickly. The Fort Hunt Rugby coaching staff has this in mind at all times, and will constantly adjust our training and matches to the weather we face. Safety is our #1 priority.
We may practice on code yellow, orange and red days; it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to make decisions regarding an individual player’s susceptibility to heat injuries (and inform all coaches of same).
Weather Calls for Training and Games
We will both train and play in the heat, cold or rain. Teams we will play all have different standards and field restrictions, so we all have to be flexible. Our primary notification for weather calls will be through team contact systems.
We practice in the rain, just as we will play matches in the rain (and maybe snow). We are playing rugby, after all. We are dependent, however, on fields and field closures, both at home and away, so we may be rained out due to their determinations, with which we will abide.
All training and play stops immediately if thunder or lightning is detected. This is non-negotiable. It is the responsibility of everyone–coaches, players, and parents/supporters–to keep an eye out for lightning and thunder, and notify coaches and/or match officials immeidatley upon detection.
All club members–players and parents alike–will follow coaches’ directions and take appropriate shelter under grounded structures or in automobiles, and not on the field/under trees. The 20-minute clock begins, and resets for each instance of lightning and/or thunder. If 20 minutes elapses without thunder or lightning, coaches may make the decision to resume training or play.
For lightning/thunder situations, the senior Fort Hunt Rugby coach on-site is in charge, and all players AND attending adults/spectators must abide by the coach’s decision and directions.